Looking to move out under the stars

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Ottawa, Ontario | Mand Søger en Kvinde

Grundlæggende oplysninger

Jeg taler
Engelsk, Fransk
Jeg beskriver mig selv som
I like the outdoors, from walks in the country to canoe trips in the wilderness, but I also like city life and what it has to offer, be it pubs and restaurants or markets, squares, parks and gardens or concerts, galleries and museums. I think it is much more enjoyable and even enlightening to tour galleries and museums with another person as you both get to benefit from another perspective.

I also enjoy cooking; I tend to experiment, so someone who also shares the love and impulse to experiment in their cookery (love that I can use that word here!) would be welcome as cooking together is a whole lot more fun. Be warned, I use maple syrup whenever I can.

I'm creative, open-minded, a free-thinker, well-read and knowledgeable with a long-standing interest in design. Relationshipwise I'm honest, thoughtful, loyal, patient, tactile, respectful and attentive.

Udseende & Situation

Min kropstype er
Min højde er
178 cm
Mine øjne er
Min etnicitet er
Kaukasisk, Europæisk
Min civilstand er
Aldrig gift
Jeg har børn
Jeg vil have børn
Mit bedste karaktertræk er
Mit hår er
Jeg har en eller flere af disse
Ingen kæledyr
Villig til at flytte

The Farmer In Me

Hvilken slags traktor foretrækker du?
An efficient one.
Hvorfor er det bedre at date en landmand?
I hope to find out
Kan du bedst lide ved dit arbejde?
Ya, not a farmer. I garden as a hobby.
Hvor stor er den gård du arbejder på?
About 30 sq.ft of raised planter bed in the city.


Mit uddannelsesniveau er
Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er
Arbejder hjemmefra
Mit speciale er
Jeg bor
Med forældre
Jeg er ryger
Jeg drikker
Ja - til fester


I gymnasiet var jeg
Min sociale opførsel er
Reserveret, Genert, Observerende
Mine interesser og hobbier er
Fotografering, Læsning, Internet, Havearbejde, Camping, Computer
En ideel første date ville være
Mine venner beskriver mig som
Jeg har ingen venner


Min religion er
Mit mål i livet er
to find you
Min form for humor er
Tør / sarkastisk, Obskur


I tv ser jeg altid
Nyheder, Dokumentarer, Dramaer
Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en
Science Fiction, Drama, Dokumentar
Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til
Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid
Nyheder, Gammelt, Computer, Historie, Hus og have, Gør-det-selv, Natur, Videnskab, Teknisk
Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er
certainly not filling out poorly asked long tedious questionnaires

Leder efter

Hvad finder du attraktivt?
Morsom, Flirtende, Særheder, Følsomhed, Empati, Dygtighed, Flot udseende, Omtanke, Intelligens
Hvad leder du efter?
What am I looking for in a woman? Well she would possess much the same character traits that I do: honest, open-minded, kind, thoughtful, caring and loyal. She would be intelligent, witty, romantic, adventurous and would have a desire for stimulating conversation along with an interest in both city life and the outdoors, nature and the countryside. She would be fit, feminine (love long hair - sooner or later I'll succumb to the temptation to slowly run my fingers through her hair..) and fashionable (wears skirts and dresses most of the time). I've got a slight thing for women in corsets so if she likes them or is willing to try donning them, all the better - I'll even help lace her up in them ;-). She would also be family-oriented and looking to start a family. I don't mind at all if she is shy or introverted.

I want to be the man who causes you to have trouble concentrating at work because you're thinking about the next time you see me, or to be the cause of you subconsciously stroking your coffee mug and fiddling with your hair while chatting with your BFF about me until she points out what you're doing.
Hvilken type forhold leder du efter?